Does God have a sense of humor?

More from Taoish favorite and hilarious comedian Arj Barker, this time from an Australian TV show called “The Great Debate.” (I’d love to see more of that show, including the other sides’s responses to him, but Australian TV is apparently invisible to Google. VH1 tried to replicate it in the U.S. in 2009, but gave up after 6 episodes.)
The topic was, “Does God have a sense of humor?” and Barker argued for the negative.
“God is brutally precise. God is efficient. But God does NOT have a sense of humor. Therefore tonight, we can conclude that God is German.”
The whole speech (7 minutes) is brilliant. Check it out.
Update: Martin Clear, the great Australian palindromist, informs me that the Great Debate is an annual event at the Melbourne Comedy Festival (pronounced MELbin, by the way), which is usually broadcast live on national TV (and is now in its 23rd year). And Arj is a huge star there; he was a regular on the TV show “Thank God You’re Here,” which is based on a popular improv game. And more connections; taoish cartoonist Michael Leunig does all the artwork for the comedy festival. I’ve got to get down to Australia, it sounds very cool.