Author Archives: msalt

Bill Walsh’s Tragic Success

January 31st, 2013 | by msalt

Sometimes you can be right, and completely wrong at the same time. Just in time for the Super Bowl, ESPN [&hellip

Philosophy or Religion?

January 28th, 2013 | by msalt

One of the big controversies in Daoist circles is the distinction between what used to be called “religious” vs. “philosophical” [&hellip

The illest Buddhist

January 22nd, 2013 | by msalt

Arj Barker is a great comedian, one of my inspirations since I started performing as a comic in the late [&hellip

Forget the words

January 13th, 2013 | by msalt

Should you pronounce a difficult or foreign word correctly, even if you’re less likely to be understood? Or is it [&hellip

Feed Your Inner Duck

December 31st, 2012 | by msalt

Michael Leunig is a “philosopher cartoonist” and biting social satirist from Melbourne, prone to ducks and penguins. He is huge [&hellip

O come, O come Emmanuel

December 23rd, 2012 | by msalt

This has always been my favorite Christmas hymn — wondrous, melancholy, deep, not so insipid. Turns out, its history is [&hellip

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