I got nothing

Neil DeGrasse Tyson leads a discussion about the meaning and/or existence of nothing here. The discussion is about science more than philosophy but they also tackled the linguistics in some depth, which any Daoist would appreciate. The panelists were:
J. Richard Gott, professor of astrophysical sciences, Princeton University, and author of Sizing Up the Universe: The Cosmos in Perspective
Jim Holt, science journalist and author of Why Does the World Exist? An Existential Detective Story
Lawrence Krauss, professor of physics, Arizona State University and author of A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing
Charles Seife, professor of journalism, New York University, and author of Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
Eve Silverstein, professor of physics, Stanford University, and co-editor of Strings, Branes and Gravity.
Unfortunately, Tyson disinvited physicist/philosopher David Alpert, after Alpert wrote a harsh review of Professor Krauss’ book. Given that this was billed as a debate, that seems like a pretty inappropriate reason, which reflects badly on Tyson and especially Krauss.
via Metafilter